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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the show attire and what equipment is acceptable? Western attire: A long sleeve shirt and boots are strongly suggested. Winter weather is certainly upon us, jackets are acceptable! Chaps and western hats/helmets are optional. Equipment: A western saddle must be used. It is suggested that a back cinch or a breast collar be used. Horses may be shown in a snaffle bit, hackamore, or a bridle. If showing in a bridle, the horse must be shown one-handed. Horses may be shown in split reins or romals. No cavisons, tie-downs, draw reins, or martingales are permitted. No hoof black or tail extensions. Banding is acceptable.

Where is the desired location for the Videographer? If you are videoing outside, please take into account the sun. Please make sure the sun is behind the Videographer, that way the judge will be able to view the horse without a glare from the lens. For Ranch Pleasure- The Videographer should be in the center of the arena/ riding area. They should also act as an Announcer by announcing transitions within the allotted time frame from the "Ranch Pleasure Pattern". For Ranch Riding, Ranch Reining, Ranch Trail, Ranch Confirmation and Dummy Roping- The videographers desired position will be posted on the pattern. *Please have the Videographer hold the phone horizontally. *If a tri-pod is available we recommend using one.

How do I "SHOW" in the Let's Get Ranchy Online Horse Show? 1. Complete the Registration Form 2. Submit UNEDITED videos during the alloted Video Submission timeline (Video Submission deadline is one week after Registration Deadline). Videos will be submitted via the "Let's Get Ranch Online Horse Show" Facebook Page (see How do I submit my class videos for more information). 3. That's it! The Professional Judge will judge the class once the videos have been submitted. Scoresheets and placings will be posted within 2 weeks of the video submission deadline.

How many classes can I enter? How many horses can I enter? Each Exhibitor/Horse Combo can enter multiple divisions (if they are eligible for them).   If multiple divisions are entered for the same class (Ranch Riding, Ranch Pleasure, and/or Ranch Reining) then only one (1) video will need to be recorded for that pattern.  There is no limit on the number of horses you enter.

How do I submit my class videos? What if I'm having difficulties uploading my videos? VIDEOS MUST BE UNEDITED. All of the video submissions will be on our Facebook page- "Let's Get Ranchy Online Horse Show". There will be a facebook post associated with EACH Class. On the class that you entered, please COMMENT the Video, Exhibitor + Horse's Name. *If you are having trouble uploading the videos onto the Facebook Class Post, you can upload the videos to YouTube or Google and COMMENT on the correct class the Link to the Video along with the Exhibitor + Horse's Name.

Is a posting trot allowed during the extended trot? Will a simple change be allowed? Posting Trot: YES! When performing an extended trot you can either two-point or post. Touching or holding the saddle horn is acceptable during the extended trot. Simple Lead Change: Simple lead changes are allowed in any division. Keep in mind, a smooth flying lead change will be scored higher than a simple lead change due to the degree of difficulty.

What is the point system for the High-Point Buckles? The High-Point Buckles will be awarded to the Exhibitor/Horse combo that has the most points from each Division. In the event of a tie, we will go by who received the most firsts; if there is still a tie we will have a "run-off" using new a ranch reining pattern. The points will be awarded for each class according to the placings: 1st=10 points 2nd= 9 points 3rd=8 points 4th=7 points 5th=6 points 6th=5 points 7th=4 points 8th=3 points 9th=2 points 10th=1 point Ribbons will be awarded 1st-4th place for each class. Points will be awarded through 10th place. Points will be updated and posted after every show and series. Off Patterns will be scored but will not place higher than exhibitors who complete the pattern correctly. Tie Example for 2nd Place: 1st 10 points 2nd 8.5 points 2nd 8.5 points 4th 7 points 5th 6 points...etc...


Class Rules + Scoring

Ranch Riding

Ranch Riding showcases your working horse's quality of movement and responsiveness while performing the required maneuvers in the pattern. 
The cadence of all the gaits should be forward, free flowing and ground moving.Transitions between gaits should be smooth and responsive. 

Ranch Pleasure

Ranch Reining

Ranch Pleasure measures the ability of the horse to be a pleasure to ride while being used as a means of conveyance from one ranch task to another and should reflect the versatility, attitude, and movement of a working horse. The Judge will evaluate the performance of the horse at the listed gaits on the rail.

Ranch Reining represents the ability of the ranch horse to be reined willfully through all maneuvers of the patterns. Stops should be hard, deep, square and done without resistance. Turn arounds should be those of a working horses (correct and efficient).

Ranch Trail

Ranch Trail tests the ability of a horse to negotiate obstacles that may be found on a ranch. Maneuvers may include going over obstacles, opening and closing gates, riding across bridges/ tarps, backing, sidepasses and dragging objects.

Ranch Conformation

The purpose of ranch conformation is to showcase your working horse's quality of movement (for a working cow/ ranch horse), balance, soundness, and structural correctness. The ideal ranch conformation horse should have a natural ranch horse appearance from head to tail.
Horses are to be shown in a good working halter: rope, braided, nylon or plain leather. Please no silver! Stud chains may be used over or under the nose. 

You are allowed to touch your horse to set him up.

Dummy Roping

View PDF Rules for rules on Dummy Roping. 

class rules

Class Divisions

OPEN: This division is open to all horses and exhibitors.

Non-Pro: The exhibitor must not have coached, judged, trained, or assisted in training a horse for remuneration, either directly or indirectly for five previous years. 

Youth 18 & Under:  Limited to exhibitors who are 18 years and younger as of January 1st of the show series.

Green Rider: This class is designed for exhibitors who are new to Ranch Riding, Ranch Pleasure, and Ranch Reining. A qualifying Green Rider must not have won any of the Ranch classes more than three times. Walk, Trot and Lope Classes. 


Green Horse: This class is designed for horses who are new to Ranch Riding, Ranch Pleasure and Ranch Reining. A qualifying Green Horse must not have won any of the Ranch classes more than three times. Walk, Trot, Lope Classes.

ULTIMATE RANCH CHALLENGE: For Open, Non Pro, Youth, Green Horse/Rider WTL exhibitors. Classes consist of Ranch Riding, Ranch Pleasure, Ranch Reining, Ranch Confirmation, Ranch Trail, & Dummy Roping. (Division High Point will be calculated from 5 of the 6 classes- lowest class point will be dropped per show which is 10 out of 12 classes per series). Ex: Everyone will end up having their 2 lowest point classes dropped per buckle series)-SELECT SHOWS. 

Green Rider Walk/Trot: This class is designed for exhibitors who are new to Ranch Riding and Ranch Pleasure and who are not ready for loping Ranch classes. If the rider enters this Walk/Trot Ranch class, they can not enter a lope class. 

Green Horse Walk/Trot: This class is designed for horses who are new to Ranch Riding and Ranch Pleasure and who are not ready for loping Ranch classes. If a horse enters a Walk/Trot Ranch class, they can not enter a lope class. 

Youth Walk/Trot: This class is designed for Youth 18 & Under Riders (as of January 1st) new to Ranch Riding and Ranch Pleasure who are not ready for loping Ranch classes. If the rider enters this Walk/Trot Ranch Class, they can not enter a lope class. 

WALKT/TROT ULTIMATE RANCH CHALLENGE: For Green Horse/Rider W/T exhibitors. Classes consist of Ranch Riding, Ranch Pleasure, Ranch Confirmation, Ranch Trail, & Dummy Roping. (Division High Point will be calculated from 4 of the 5 classes- lowest class point will be dropped per show. Which is 8 out of 10 classes per buckle series).  Ex: Everyone will end up having their 2 lowest point classes dropped per series)-SELECT SHOWS. 

*Exhibitors can enter as many divisions as they choose as long as they qualify for those divisions. 

Image by Bailey Alexander
class divisions
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